Speed up Internet connection With Chrome on android devices

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Speed up Internet connection With Chrome on android devices

For anyone who wants a fast
internet using Android browser,
then Chrome is one right choice.
However, you will also find a lot of
time is wasted when not directly
open the web page because of a
slow internet connection. With
some settings in Chrome, you can
speed internet connection to
open various web that you want.
First, go to the settings in Chrome
and search for Bandwidth
Management. Now it's time to
change the setting to On. This
activity will be compressing HTTP
web pages with smoothed code
and replace the images with lower
quality. In this way, it can
accelerate internet connection
when you open a web page.
If you are not satisfied with it, you
need something more complex. You
need to write a chrome: // flags /
in the omnibox. The page that will
be shown later contains a variety
of functions. The function you need
to look is # max-tiles-for-
interes-area. Select the function
and change the settings from the
default to 512 This will make
Chrome work quickly in the filter
page. But remember, this setting
will take less RAM usage.
If you want a more extreme
settings, you can enable # enable-
spdy4a2. With this, you will utilize
the Google network protocol that
has the potential to speed up
internet connection in a fast time.
But, this one function can drain an
internet connection. adsense 336x280