Google Create Flying Wind Turbine

adsense 336x280 Google Create Flying Wind Turbine
Cheltenham - Wind turbines are hated by many people
because of an eyesore in the countryside. However, conventional wind
turbines may one day become part of the past after scientists tested
the turbine that can fly in the sky like a kite.
The turbines, which are being developed by Google, will be moored
300 meters above the ground and will have to wing membantuya
remain in the air. Floating in height, the turbines will be supported by
higher wind speeds and because it can increase the amount of energy
Peter Fitzgerald, sales director of Google UK, said the turbines could
save construction costs. Speaking at the Cheltenham Literature Festival,
he said the turbines could be a solution to the world's energy
"This can make a big difference related to energy. He tethered, has
wings and if you go to the location, altitude, flying around to bring the
energy," he said as quoted
Dailymail , Thursday, October 9, 2014.
"You have to spend a lot of money on steel and concrete to build large
turbines and you can only do it in about 15 percent of the world where
the wind is quite fast," he said. With a tethered turbines, he added, you
can use the 'double the amount of land'.
The turbine is being developed as part of the department of Google X.
Google acquired Makani, the company that originally tested the
technology last year.
The engineers say 'kite' energy that has the potential to produce 50
percent more energy while eliminating 90 percent of the materials
used and for half the cost of conventional wind turbines.
Google X is also working on a number of other pioneering gadgets,
including contact lenses for diabetics that can measure glucose levels
wearer. Fitzgerald also talked about Google Loon Project that aims to
provide broadband to rural areas. adsense 336x280