experience. Playing the
game well is important but,
watching others is also important to increase our
knowledge of game play.
Sometimes, there are little things that are important
but missed by us so, by watching the video it can
terihat. Playing games consoles such complex
Karbal very pelu Space Program visualization
tutorial, because it's a video
game channel on YouTube so crowded.
He is also constantly
evolving game reviews.
Make a video recording of
the game play is needed. If
PC games might be a bit freer to record the
applications available today,
however, is rather limited gaming console it. Record
gaming is possible but need the funds for it.
External Recorder
one way to record a game console is the external tool. This is a small
part of a recording device such as Roxio Game
Capture HD Pro are connected to your console
via HDMI or cable. This tool looks simple but is actually quite complex because his ability is some what varied.
There are a few things you
should consider when using this tool.
First, the resolution of the
recording. Cheap tools are generally recorded with a
resolution of 720p or 1080i and some can only handle
standard format. Especially for video games, at least we need resulusi 720p and
full 1080p (HD).
Next, you need quality. You
also have to consider the level of bit rate is the
number of video frames per second. Some recording devices at low bit rates
which sometimes gives an unclear image and blur.
High-end recording device
such as Elgato Game Capture HD can record 30
Mbps or more. Do not forget, increasing the bit
rate, resolution and file size which also requires large
After seeing the bit rate you
also have to look at the video format because most video formats only provide seikit option (Mp4 is
common). Specifications
audio formats is important.
Some of their only means of stereo only, while the
other can record 5.1 audio.
Perhaps this is somewhat
relative because some games do not really need a
voice such as Call Of Duty, who just want to show the
number of enemies killed,
but there are some who want to watch a game tape also want
to hear his voice,
and his voice ugly will likely be passed by them.
With specs like that, you need to connect your
recorder to the computer when you're playing and
automatically record to your
computer with software built such a device.
AverMedia Game Capture HD II.
This tool can record and connect to the hard drive and the
recording can be edited without a PC with the default application.
Internal recording (with a next-gen console)
External recording device is able to work on all consoles but, next-gen consoles will provide this feature along
with support
Twich.TV or more often called Twich are streaming
video website that targets
gamers exclusively. This site has always worked closely
with game developers and
now with the new console, they also work closely with
hardware manufacturers
such as Xbox and
Playstation 4 One will support this service.
This means that the console can directly send the video directly to Twich use the
share function is found in the Xbox and Playstation
One 4 The quality is good for video size, resolution,
frame rate and bit rate but do not know when it is
published later. However,
the convenience of using this feature is undoubtedly make a video stream console games will be
popular again.
So far, the console makers and Twich not say anything
about their record
application. the
user will easily recording their own video stream in the computer by using a tool that has been prepared Twich. This is good news for people who want to record
gamingnya activity because
it will reduce the additional funds and to make live
stream easier.
Unfortunately, for a long time there has been no
consoles will have this feature also because it does
not have multitasking
capabilities such as next-gen
consoles Twich this need.
Record a video of the console difficult. In order not to hard you have to have a
recording device as described above, connect to
a TV or computer. The harder part is, you make a
video or not entertaining,
informative or not. This is all to get a YouTube viewer or Twich.